
Download counter statistik

    Surely you've seen a blog or website that installed the counter to know how many times the page views or how many times the number of files that were downloaded as the site,, etc. To counter this blogspot is not on offer but you can utilize the services of a site that provides this service call it
    By utilizing the services of the site, we no longer need to bother with code that is quite a lot and installation of the blog is also very easy. For those of you who are interested to install this download counter statistics please follow these steps:

1. Upload a file to a hosting storage of such files,, etc. After the upload is complete, copy the given code and save it in notepad. For example I have a download link from the file that I uploaded to the site and I was given my file url address like this:

After having the url address of the file that you upload the next visit the site then click the link that reads "CODE GENERATOR", then fill the form provided:
1. Tick checks on the writings Download Counter, Shorten URL (+track downloads/hits).
2. Select the URL (a file, or website etc). Fill it with your url earlier example:

3. Fill with text that is displayed for example: (Download).
4. Tick checks on writing HTML+Javascript.
5. Display counters on Your page? Tick checks on the writings of Yes, style.
6. Click the button below the tracking code Generate writing.
7. Copy and paste the tracking code to Your webpage or website (please click into textarea and use CTRL+C, CTRL+V to copy the generated code) and save it to notepad. Up here on the site already completed the process.
Sample code that is given like this:

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<a href='' onclick='return dstatstracker(this);'>Download</a>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>document.write(dsdlcounter(dsCounter));</script<

    To incorporate into the blog of steps to be performed are:
1. Log in to
2. Click on the menu and create a posting new entries as usual and do not forget to enter the code that was in the can from the site Click publish post button.
3. Finish and see the results.

Good luck!