To the layman, or among buddies all be a lot who do not know about the blog therefore I will try to discuss about how the blog according to experience and that I know of a blogger help search.
1. Blog?
Blog (short for Weblog) is a private site. Blog created by professional designers in order to run automatically and must be easy to use, so for my friend who does not know the programming language to create a website no problem. If my friend can make an email address, of course, create a blog must also be.
2. How to make Create a blog about the same process by creating an email address, my friend must have an account. Now please buddy list on the first free blog providers. Free blog providers on the internet a lot, now very famous is, and Because I could only make a blog on blogspot so that I discussed was how to create a blog on blogspot and if interested please register in, click the image below for a register.
Once inside the site, will look like the picture in the picture above and follow the steps below:
Click the arrows marked "CREATE YOUR BLOG".
Email Address Fill in the email address mate.
Fill in the email address buddies back in form last Retype email address.
Write the password you want to form Enter a password (create a password that is easy to remember).
Write your friend's password to the password reset form type (password).
Fill Display Name with the name that will show my friend. Write an article that is in the Word Verification form.
Put a tick / check the box on the edge of writing and I accept the Terms of Service.
Click on the image of the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".
Write a blog title that my friend will (one day be in the fox) on the form Title Blog.
Write your name on the form pal site Blog Address (URL).
Write the word verification text that appears in the word verification form, if you're done click on the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".
Choose a template that my friend will (one day be in a fox), and then click the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".
Having appeared the words "Your blog has been created". Click the arrow labeled "START POSTING".
Please write at will buddy, when you finish, click the "PUBLIS POST".
3. Contents (Content) blog:
For starters, they are usually confused after a blog, what will be filled in the blog. Contents (content) of the blog is up to the blog owner, filled with poetry, the journey of life, techniques, hobbies or whatever. But I suggest, the content of blog buddies with interests, hobbies and skills my friend, because so many people whose interests and hobbies with my friend, and they will be interested to read my friend.
Done and congratulations to your blog.
1. Blog?
Blog (short for Weblog) is a private site. Blog created by professional designers in order to run automatically and must be easy to use, so for my friend who does not know the programming language to create a website no problem. If my friend can make an email address, of course, create a blog must also be.
2. How to make Create a blog about the same process by creating an email address, my friend must have an account. Now please buddy list on the first free blog providers. Free blog providers on the internet a lot, now very famous is, and Because I could only make a blog on blogspot so that I discussed was how to create a blog on blogspot and if interested please register in, click the image below for a register.
Once inside the site, will look like the picture in the picture above and follow the steps below:
Click the arrows marked "CREATE YOUR BLOG".
Email Address Fill in the email address mate.
Fill in the email address buddies back in form last Retype email address.
Write the password you want to form Enter a password (create a password that is easy to remember).
Write your friend's password to the password reset form type (password).
Fill Display Name with the name that will show my friend. Write an article that is in the Word Verification form.
Put a tick / check the box on the edge of writing and I accept the Terms of Service.
Click on the image of the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".
Write a blog title that my friend will (one day be in the fox) on the form Title Blog.
Write your name on the form pal site Blog Address (URL).
Write the word verification text that appears in the word verification form, if you're done click on the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".
Choose a template that my friend will (one day be in a fox), and then click the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".
Having appeared the words "Your blog has been created". Click the arrow labeled "START POSTING".
Please write at will buddy, when you finish, click the "PUBLIS POST".
3. Contents (Content) blog:
For starters, they are usually confused after a blog, what will be filled in the blog. Contents (content) of the blog is up to the blog owner, filled with poetry, the journey of life, techniques, hobbies or whatever. But I suggest, the content of blog buddies with interests, hobbies and skills my friend, because so many people whose interests and hobbies with my friend, and they will be interested to read my friend.
Done and congratulations to your blog.