
Blog Setting

Continuing the earlier post about how to create a blog, after my friend has a blog the next step that must be my friend to do is set the settings of the blog. There are several settings that must be done so that the blog is the familiar search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Msn etc.
For bloggers who are still new and still confused, please follow these steps:

1. Log into with your username and password.
2. Choose your blog title to be in the settings.
3. Click Settings menu. Click Basic menu. There are several forms that must be filled on the menu this menu:
Title? content with the blog title my friend. Example: Dida Blog.
Description? content description blog buddies. Example: Blog Tutorial.
Add your blog to our list? select yes so that every time posting always entered the list.
Let the search engines find your blog? select yes.
Show Quick Editing on your Blog? select yes.
Show Email Post Links? We recommend that you select yes, there is also no problem.
Adult Content? select no. If you select yes, then the blog buddies will be considered a special blog which contains adult content porn.
Show Compose Mode for all of your blog? select yes.
Enable transliteration? choose no, select yes if my friend wanted a button to change the ordinary into Hindi letters.
Click Save Settings button.

4. Click menu Publishing to set the Publication menu:
BlogSpot address? content with a blog buddy. Example: Dida Blog. Usually the address listed is the direct address of my friend blog, so should not the change.
Click Save settings button.
5. Click Format menu to set the format menu:
Show? select the number of posts will be displayed. For example: Display: 4 posts, which means the post will be displayed on the main page blog buddies as much as four posts. We recommend that you choose not to-day posting on the pulldown menu.
Date Header Format? Choose the date/month that my friend likes, format the date/month it will appear above the post.
Archive Index date format? select a model for a archives like.
Timestamp Format? Select a model like the time my friend.
Time Zone? Select the appropriate time zone with your place. Example for WIB (Western Indonesian Time): [UTC-+7.00] Asia/Jakarta.
Language? Choose the language buddies want, you should select language.
Show Field Title? Select yes, select no also no problems.
Show columns links? select yes, select no also no problem.
Enable float alignment? select yes, select no also no problem.
Click the Save Settings button.

6. Click Menu Comments To set the menu comments:
Comments? select a show, so the article can be my friend commented by visitors.
Who Can Commenting? Choose anyone, including anonymous users. It means that everyone can leave comments and not limited to members only blogspot.
Comments Default for Posts? select a new post has a comment.
Backlinks? Select show. It means that we know when something is put a link on our article.
Backlinks Default for Posts? select a new post Have Backlinks.
Comments Timestamp Format? select a season-hour format.
Show comments in a popup window? select yes. So that when the visitor clicks, your blog pages are not lost affected comments page.
Enable comment moderation? select No. Because if you select yes, each no comments from visitors will appear after approval pal.
Show word verification for comments? select no. Because visitors will be reluctant to leave a comment if you have to pass a word verification. Select yes if my friend wants to avoid the robot software in order to spam.
Show profile images on comments? select yes. So that the image visitors have en blogger wrote to appear.
Email Notification Comments? contents with your email address, meaning that every one commented on the article my friend, my friend will be notified via email by
Done and click the Save Settings button.

7. Click Archive To set the Archive menu:
Frequency Archive? select Monthly.
Enable Post Pages? select yes.
Done and click the Save Settings button.

8. Site Feed click to set your site feed menu:
Allow Blog Feed? select Full.
Post Feed URL Change of Direction? content with a substitute feed address as the address of the feed burner feed, if you do not have, empty it.
Post Feed Footer? content with a friend the ad code has such ad code from Google adsense etc, if you do not have, empty it.
Done and click the Save Settings button.

Welcome to your blogging activities.