
Features That Make Google's Personalized Search Bother

Since a few months ago, December 4 , 2009, Google officially announced the new Personalized Search feature. Unlike previously where the effects of Personalized Search is only applicable for users of Google's search engine is currently logged into their Google account, Personalized Search now effect applies to persons who use the Google search engine, no matter if they're logged in or not. This leads me to say these features make the hassle of SEO activities.
Google Personalized Search is a feature where the results of searches performed by visitors are no longer purely based on ratings, but have been influenced against the relevant customs visitors. For example, if you do a search on tutorial blogspot and that you click on a search results page blogspot tutorial site which is in a position to 10th, then at a later time, if we do a search on blogspot tutorial again, then the site will most likely be ranked number one, although it was not the original ratings.
For owners of blogs and websites, this feature is causing problems on two things, namely: Not easy to check rankings for the sites they have, because the results are displayed on search pages has been affected by the Personalized Search. More difficult to attract first- time visitors because once someone clicks on a competitor, it's likely in the next search (for similar keywords), they will return a competitor is clicking.
For the first problem can be solved with the first logout from the Google account and cleaning up cookies listed. In Firefox, you can do so via the Web Developer toolbar, and click on Cookies - Delete Domain Cookies at while flying on Google's site. As for the second issue we will discuss how the next article.

Sources of articles in the Indonesian language in